Tips for Caring for Your Floors When you Have Pets

Often times homeowners can become disheartened when attempting to grapple with adequate floor care while having pets. While no one would ever consider parting with their furry friends, caring for your floor is considerably more difficult. This being said, there are a number of things that you can do to keep your floors looking fresh and vibrant over the years. Here are a few tips for caring for your floors when you have pets:
  • Start with the source: Often times many issues can be evaded by proper pet care. If you’re contending with hardwood floors, consider getting your pets nails trimmed on a regular basis to avoid scratching and so on. If you’re concern is the literal cleaning aspect, keep your animals well groomed (i.e. bathed and brushed on a regular basis including haircuts semi-regularly). This will keep your cleaning to a minimum as well as make spaces that are carpeted easier to clean in general.
  • Wood doesn’t have to be your enemy: When it comes to wood floors many homeowners think that it simply isn’t attainable, but that’s not the truth. If you’re designing, consider choosing a lighter wood. These are less likely to show scratches and stains as well as allow pet hair to blend a bit more seamlessly should you not be able to clean every day.
  • Avoid the shine: It might look good on, but it will also be your biggest issue down the road. Shine and glossy finishes tend to show all of the imperfections of a floor. Instead, stick to matte or satin finishes that will be able to hide the flaws as well as keep your flooring looking beautiful and modern.
  • Accessorize to necessities: Whether this is extra rugs just for pets, a towel rack by the front door to dry their feet, or a mat for their food and water dish to sit on. Any accessory that can help to keep the space cleaner in the long run will always be an accessory you want to add to your collection. It may seem like it’s not a big deal now but adding small things like this will streamline your clean up process.