Summer DIY Renovations: Backyard Projects to Replace Your Fire Pit

Stone, brick, concrete, you name it! Replacing your fire pit doesn’t have to be a grueling summer project, it can be fun and exciting.. especially when you know it will revamp your whole outdoor area! Heck, we’ve even seen transformations that include turning a Koi pond into a fire pit. Here are some ideas we’ve put together for you on how to get started on replacing your outdoor fire pit.
  1. Set a budget
There’s not a whole lot of explaining to do on this tip, but we can’t stress enough how important it is to set a budget and stick with it. When you are improving an area in your home, whether it be your fire pit or somewhere else, it is so easy to get carried away with bright and shiny objects. Setting a budget ahead of time can also help you narrow down what kind of fire pit material you will have,  thus, helping make the decision easier on where to start.
  1.  Materials
Want to crush this summer project in just one weekend? Then the next step is to grab your materials. We highly recommend the fire pit kit from your local hardware store. This kit will provide you the ring to slide right into the middle of your outlined shaped fire pit. Whether you are building with concrete squares, bricks, or any other material, this is a simple and effective solution. You can use the ring kit to give you an idea on how big your pit has to be and it will even help you make your pit look perfectly circular.
  1.  Food for thought
Replacing your fire pit is easy, but there are some things you shouldn’t forget along the way. Before you build your fire pit remember to consider your surroundings. A fire pit should be away from your house and away from low hanging limbs. Something else to consider, if you are installing a fire pit on a paved patio remember to lay a foundation of fire blocks first to protect from the sand between the pavers. Pro tip: When you are replacing your fire pit don’t forget how important your foundation is. Don’t shy away from using a level just because your old fire pit used to be there. Using a leveler is a great idea when working on any project that involves adding a semi-permanent fixture to your house.