- Measure the width from left to right of your curtain rod.
- The curtains finished width should be at least two times the width of your window, if not more. Be aware that curtains with pleats in them will have different measurement reads so you always want to look at the finished width before purchasing.
- Depending on how full you want your curtains to look depends on how many times you should multiply your width (standard fullness, multiply by two; deluxe fullness, multiply by two and a half; ultra-fullness, multiply by three).
- For length, first plot where your curtain rod will be.
- Measure from your curtain rod to the tip of the sill for length (this is the most common length, but you can make your curtains as long or short as you so desire)
- Length never needs to be multiplied, should you decide you want the “puddle” effect of the curtain gathering on the ground, simply add five to eight more inches onto your original measurement.
How to Measure a Window for Curtains
When dealing with window treatments there are a number of things you must do beforehand. Since windows are one of the more affordable things to decorate in your home and don’t take a ton of time, this is typically one of the things saved for last place in a remodeling project. Once it’s finally time to get to your windows, a problem many home owners run into is figuring out the correct measurements of the window itself. A common mistake is to measure the literal width and length of a window only to be disappointed when your curtain doesn’t hang as you so wished. How to measure a window for curtains no longer has to be a difficult process with these simple steps to follow: