Guide to Island Additions in Your Kitchen Remodel

Remodeling a kitchen is one of the most enjoyable projects you can undertake. The kitchen is a place where memories are made, recipes and traditions get passed down, and where family is brought together. This being said, when undertaking a kitchen remodel, you want to be sure to have the perfect accent pieces to compliment your space. One of the most classic and beautiful ways to upgrade your kitchen is choosing the right island addition. Here is a guide to island additions in your kitchen remodel. You want to make sure you plan your space accordingly. An island too large will take over the space and make easy maneuvering impossible, while an island too small will feel like a mistake and potentially even make the space look small. Once you’ve etched out the correct sizing, it’s time to talk about countertop material. Luckily with modern discoveries, there are more fiscally conservative types of material you can choose from that all work just as well as the traditional ones. Quartz is a great option, due to their non-porous nature, your counter will need virtually no maintenance and are stain resistant. Quartz also comes in a variety of colors and patterns so you’re likely to find whatever you need. The addition of an island means the addition of storage space as well. Since you’ll be able to add multiple drawers and cupboards onto your island, you’ll want to be smart in what type of cupboards you’ll choose. Often times choosing your countertop stone first and then your cupboard wood next is the way to go size wood coloring is a bit more flexible compared to countertop material. Be careful to budget all of your pricing for your island addition before actually purchasing anything. While kitchen remodels are always fun, you don’t want to break your bank. Setting up a budget and figuring out where to spend what is always a good way to avoid going overboard in one area of the remodel.