Common Flooring Mistakes Homeowners Make, and How to Avoid Them
Becoming a homeowner is stressful. This is your home, your investment, and that can be scary. You just spent a whole lot of money on this house your going to live in for life…it’s a big deal, folks. And we get it. There are a couple of things that really impact the value of your home in a negative way. A few being, a bathroom remodel to reflect a dated “vintage” look, moving your laundry room off of the bedroom floor, a scary kitchen remodel and last, but not least, making a common flooring mistakes.
It is no secret that flooring in your home makes the largest impact among anything else. Flooring is the last place you want to cut corners and the first thing potential buyers one day will notice. Here are a few tips on how to do your best at making the right decisions for your floors.
Choosing the wrong contractor. This seems pretty obvious, but time and time again we see homeowners choose the cheapest contractors and then ending up regretting their decision. Hiring the wrong contractor may leave you feeling a bit disappointed. There are two things that a homeowner is paying for when it comes to installing new floors. One is the materials and the other is the labor. If you are getting quoted lower than every other contractor you’ve talked to (which we highly suggest getting quotes from several), then there might be a reason why. You will either compromise on the quality of the material or you will be compromising on the quality of the work. So our tip to you is read reviews, talk to Susan down the road who just did a remodel and ask if she liked her contractor and don’t rush into a contract with someone because of a cheap quote.
Another mistake homeowners might make when it comes to flooring is using the wrong products. When it comes to having beautiful hardwood or nicely kept tile, you know that there probably has been upkeep to help them stay looking that fresh. When it comes to your home’s flooring you don’t want to use the wrong product. For example, using the wrong wax on hardwood can cause a huge amount of damage. So just do your research and find a product that will help keep your floors shining.