How to Choose the Best Option for your Windows – Blinds, Shades or Curtains?

So you have moved into a new home or are looking to revamp your current room. The style, color, furniture and layout are all important factors to consider, but choosing the right option for your windows can make a huge difference to the ambience of the space. You also need to think about functionality when it comes to this decision; yes you want your bedroom to have beautiful drapes to accent the elegant style within which it is decorated, but you also need to be able to sleep at night! Blinds, curtains and drapes all have different positive attributes, read on and find out which is right for you.


Blinds are a modern choice that fits well in most spaces. They are great for giving a space privacy, whilst also allowing natural light to fill a room. They also don’t obstruct your view. Another good attribute of blind is that they have the ability to protect your interior against strong sunlight, preventing your furniture from fading quickly. They are adaptable to many different spaces, simple to fit and easy to use. Another thing to think about is their ability to make a smaller window appear larger than it is, making them a great choice for smaller apartments. Blinds can also be treated, making them blackout for bedrooms. They are easily cleaned (perfect for the kitchen) and extremely energy efficient – especially honeycomb.


Shutters are a stylish choice when it comes to your windows, and although they are more expensive they are certainly worth it. Shutters are basically a stationary form of blind that are usually made of a sturdy material that will last. Just like blinds, they are great at keeping light out, controlling temperature and giving privacy when needed. They are durable, long lasting and add a touch of class to a home.


Curtains and drapes are another way to functionally dress your windows. They can become a focal point for a room and really add to the character of a space, contributing to the overall décor. They are a good choice for more traditional houses and give warmth to a space.  It is recommended that you get your curtains lined, as this means they keep out light, noise and temperature more efficiently. Curtains are made from many different types of material, and just like blinds can be treated to provide blackout for your bedroom.