DIY Projects for 2017: Using Recycled Materials

  Going green is the new chic and home improvement projects are no exception to this trend. Here are some DIY projects for 2017: using recycled materials.
  • Recycling plastics

Finding different usage for plastic containers is one of the easiest routes to take. You can use old cleaned out milk cartons for colored pencil and craft supply storage by cutting out the side of the container as well as chopping it in half and using it to grow herbs that you can use for cooking later on.
  • Recycling glass

Wine bottle decoration seems to be all the rage right now. Instead of tossing your old wine bottles, soak them in a solution of dish soap, water, and vinegar to get the labels off, and then begin your process of decorating. Whether you opt to paint them according to the upcoming seasons or fill them with lights to add mood lighting to your home, you can’t go wrong with a wine bottle accent piece. It adds a rustic and appealing finish to any room.
  • Candle holders

This can be made from many different recycled items. One of the more obscure ideas is using old ladles as candle holders for tea light candles. If you have a shelf surrounding or near your tub in the bathroom, this could be the perfect idea for those long days when all you want to do is light a new candle and take a bubble bath. Simply hang the ladles off of the shelf (reinforce if need be) and add a tea light. Some even like to use the candles with no casing and allow them to melt to create beautiful designs on the ladles. Another great candle holder is, again, the wine bottle. Allowing candlesticks to melt over the wine bottles means you’ll get a two for the price of one treat. The candle will smell great while burning, and afterward you’ll have an interesting piece of artwork to decorate with.
  • Crafts with recycled
Instead of limiting yourself to just one material, make a game out of it. Gather up various recycled materials and build different things with them. Some of the more popular themes when building objects are standing garden animals and hanging decorations for the home.