There’s no time like the present to start taking care of your home to prepare for the stormy season. Home damage happens more than we like to think when storms roll through and if you’re not careful you might be calling your home insurance company (which we’re all agreeing you should already have, correct?) to tell them about that branch that came through your window. If you’re ready to start preparing we have done the easy work for you, by including ideas on how to accomplish such a task.
Hear that breeze?
One big gush of wind and boom! there is a tree limb in your living room and now you can’t finish watching the season finale of your favorite show. Before storm season comes around, this might be something you want to think about. To prevent this from being a reality you should go around your house and cut any dead tree limbs, or tree limbs that could possibly damage your house, down.
Here comes the rain!
Are you ready for the rain? A good way to prepare for this, easily overseen characteristic of a storm, is to clean out your gutters. You may be wondering how this could help you protect yourself from the stormy season, so let us explain. When you have gutters that are filled with debris and leaves you to leave no room for rain to collect and be removed away from your house. When your gutters haven’t cleared the rain then overflows close to your home which then may cause flooding.
Where do you live? These tips are great if you live in an area that doesn’t get tropical storms or hurricanes, but if you do then you may want to consider getting storm shutters. Storm shutters are a great way to protect your home. The main cause of damage during a hurricane is the storm by penetrating through the windows. But be sure not to wait until the last possible second to install shutters, each home is different and you want your shutters to fit your windows perfectly.
Where’s the light?
Another tip we often see being forgotten is a little thing called a backup kit. This kit will mostly include ways that can provide light in case your power goes out. Prepare your kit by filling it with fresh batteries for your flashlights, matches, a few candles and also always keep multiple gallon water jugs stored in your home as well. When the power goes out you want to make sure you have water. You also want to make sure you have gallon water not only to survive, if the storm is of that caliber but to also make sure the water you and your family are drinking is safe.