Style From Around the World – Modern European

Just as in food and culture, Europe has always had an influence on American interior design. In present times, modern European style still inspires not only America but many countries around the world. This is thanks to its simplistic and eclectic effortless beauty. It combines many styles but manages to keep them uncomplicated and tasteful. Modern European style encompasses many different elements, which include:

1. Mixing the Old With the New

The great thing about modern European décor is that it is not exclusive; you can mix different styles, pieces and periods in the same room to no detriment. The aptly named ‘old world’ classic styles (such as French, Victorian and Tuscan) inspire modern décor – mix classic furniture or palettes with modern ones with functionality, comfort, and beauty in mind. You can choose to stick to one of the classic decors, such as French country, throughout your whole home, or have different rooms inspired by different places. Luckily most European décor complements one another, so you can have a variation as well as a cohesive home. If you look at modern Italian styles, they are extremely cutting edge, whereas France tends to stick to more classical décor – find what suits you and remember to experiment with different influences in different rooms.

2. Find Your Focus

Modern European décor is at its heart is rooted in traditional ideas of home design that hark back centuries. Namely, that there should be a focus point for the space. This can be a fireplace, a piece of art, a stylish item of furniture, a mirror etc. Again the room should be simplistic and appear effortless – arrange your other decoration around this focus point and stay on topic with it. A modern, marble angular fireplace can be accompanied by angular furniture and contemporary ornaments; a large classic mirror should be combined with more classic décor.

3. Colors and Materials

Most colors fit modern European décor, just don’t try and have too many colors in one space and ensure they work well with each other. Warmer colors are a popular choice, but many palettes can work thanks to the extensive and diverse numbers of style that make up European style. In terms of this season, pinks and blues are very en vogue. For material, again feel free to mix but don’t clutter. Leathers, classic woods, silks, velvets and woven materials all have their place in the modern European home, however, that doesn’t mean you have to use them all at the same time. The word to remember when it comes to this décor is editing – you have an entire home to decorate so don’t feel you have to squeeze all of Europe into one room.