Should I Paint my Cabinets Myself?

If you think your kitchen is in need of a revamp but don’t quite have the budget to buy new cabinets, you may be considering painting your cabinets as an inexpensive alternative. Before your roll up your sleeves however, it’s important to consider the following:

Cabinet Material

Some materials take well to being repainted, whereas others shouldn’t even be attempted. Solid wood is you ideal starting material, as they can be painted easily and with little preparation. If ,however, you have stainless steel, MDF, or laminate you may have a problem on your hands. The issue with these materials is the paint doesn’t adhere to the surface well, meaning it can chip incredibly easily. If your heart is set on painting your engineered wood, it’s vital to sand and prime the cabinets beforehand – but again there’s no guarantee it will stay pristine. You can look into specialized paints that don’t need primer or sanding and claim to adhere well to any material, just ensure to test out an inconspicuous area first.

Cabinet Finish

Another factor to consider is the finish on your cabinet. A great deal of finishes can be painted over no problem, however if you’re intending on going from a painted to finish to a stain it starts to become trickier. If this is the case for your kitchen you may want to install new doors instead.

Current State

If your cabinets have seen better days, it might make more sense to just bite the bullet and splurge on new ones. This may make more sense than spending money and time refurbishing current ones which may not last the year.

Time Considerations

Finally you need to consider how much time you have to devote to this project. Patience is key, and you may find yourself having to paint multiple layers which takes time and puts your kitchen out of action. If you want to paint the inside of the cabinets as well, even more time will be required.