Judging Quality in a Carpet

Buying carpets isn’t something we do regularly, so it can be difficult to ensure you’re picking a good quality carpet. Buying a higher quality carpet gives you peace of mind – you’re hopefully  getting a carpet that will last many years into the future, and won’t succumb to wear and tear easily. This can mean spending a little more – but it all depends on how often you want to redecorate. Let’s take a look at some tips:

Don’t feel Pressured by Weight

You might be under the impression that the heavier a carpet it, the better its performance. This is a common misconception. You should only use weight as a comparative if all the other factors of the fibers are similarly matched.

Calculate Correctly

Not only do you need to calculate your square footage, you’ll also want to figure out your pile density. The latter is easily worked out – all you need to do is multiply the carpet face weight by 36, then divide it by the pile length. Double check your calculations so you have a good indication of what quality your prospective carpet may be.

Carpet Fiber Twist

Quite simply, the greater the twist, the higher quality your carpet will be. Many people disregard this factor, but it actually impacts more than you might think. The twist number (TPI) is informed by how many times the fibers have been twisted together per inch. The higher the number, the better the quality.


Density is how close the fibers have been stitched together – as with weight, density should not be the defining factor in your choice. It should be used when two carpets seem extremely similar in terms of fabric, pile, and twis,t and you want another mode to compare them.


Finally, and usually of most importance, is the type of fabric you choose. Natural fibers tend to be more expensive and vary in terms of their advantages – silk is ornate, wool is strong and contends well with stains. Nylon is a great all round option; a man made fiber, it copes well with  high foot traffic and adequately with stains. It comes in many varieties and has different treatments available. Fibers like polyester are cheaper, but not as high quality.