Should All of Your Floors in Your Home Match?

When beginning designing your home, often times it’s easy to get caught up in the matching game. What matches? What doesn’t? How can you even tell the difference? Should all of your floors in your home match? In short, answering any of these questions can start to get a bit overwhelming. Here’s a comprehensive guide to get your starting with your flooring process:
  1. Plan, plan, plan! While it might seem like a romantic and fun notion to just jump into the swing of things, you’ll save yourself a lot of headaches later on if you plan more things out. In terms of flooring, start from when you enter your home. What flooring will you have there? A stone or tile? From there move on throughout every room and create a plan that feels natural. Soon you’ll develop a flow and with your plan even if you hit bumps in the road later on, you’ve always got a solid design to refer back to.
  2. Make a budget. This may seem a bit obvious but creating a budget will also help you break down areas of your home you might want to invest more into in terms of flooring. Do you want to do hardwood for your entire living room and kitchen, but think that carpet would work better for the bedrooms? These decisions will affect your bottom line and it’s important to be aware of how much you’re working with.
  3. Don’t be afraid to go all out. Some may tell you that certain things absolutely don’t go together and can never work in the same house. Often times this isn’t the case and if you love a layout of flooring, then go with your gut instinct. In the end, you’re the one who has to live with it and if you love it then that’s your decision to make. Inserting your personality as much as possible in the design process will be what makes your house into a home, so it’s okay to not always follow the norm or trends. What may be in style right now could be back out tomorrow. Instead, omit these influences and consider what you actually believe looks good and appeals to your eye.