Eco-Friendly Carpet Options for Your Home
Choosing flooring for your home can seem like an impossible task. What medium do you choose? Which one will actually fit within your budget? How much do you need? These are all questions you’ll feel bombarded with while you’re moving forward in your remodeling project. We’re here to make life a little easier for you.
Carpet is one of the more affordable avenues to go when it comes to flooring. Not only does it last for a long time, but typically they are easier to install as well. This being said, you’ll want to be careful of what type of carpet you’re buying. It isn’t too difficult to pick out eco-friendly carpet options for your home as long as you’re aware of what to look for.
To begin with, you’ll want to look out for VOCs (volatile organic compounds) which are emitted as gases in carpets and can have fairly negative health effects. It’s typically a byproduct of the binding material used to install the carpet mixed with the actual physical backing of the carpet and can linger in a home for a little over a week after installation.
To avoid this, try airing out your carpet before installing it. Typically, this can be done by wherever you’re purchasing the carpet from anyways and shouldn’t cost you extra money. Should you have to glue the carpet down, look into “low-emitting nonsolvent adhesives” to minimize the fumes that you could be exposed to. And finally, before purchasing check to make sure that the carpet has been tested by the Carpet and Rug Institute’s (CRI) Indoor Air Quality testing program. This is the best way to ensure your health.
In general, as long as you’re being aware of what you’re putting in your home when it comes to carpeting you should be alright. It’s important to ask whoever you purchase the carpet from how they would advise cleaning it and how often it should be done. Keeping your carpet clean is what will keep it looking great and lasting longer, so investing in a high-quality vacuum wouldn’t be a bad idea either!