Can I Paint my Floors?

When figuring out which avenue to take when it comes to your flooring, there are so many options it can seem overwhelming. Many homeowners decide on a hardwood or hardwood look alike since it’s the most timeless and reliable of the flooring options. Once you’ve done this, after some time you may be looking to spruce up your floor without having to totally change it. If you’ve had the same finish or stain on it for years, you may be tempted to switch it up and paint them. Many people ask, “Can I paint my floors?” worried that the paint with either damage the wood or simply not take to it in the way that they imagined. However, most hardwood floors can be painted. This being said it’s important to properly prep the floor before attempting to paint it. Painting directly over a glossy, finished, floor is never a good idea as the paint won’t permeate properly or set in the way you’re imagining. Be sure before painting you thoroughly sand or buff out the flooring, finished by vacuuming up all of the dust particles. Once you’ve done that, it’s safe to start your project. While many think it’s sacrilege to paint over a wood floor, in some cases it’s exactly what a space calls for. You may have cheaper wood being used for that room that simply doesn’t look the way you want it too and painting is a lot easier and cheaper than reflooring. Or you may simply be looking for a way to express your creativity. Either way, as long as you’re properly prepared for the job, it’s never a bad option. It’s very important that when you’re choosing your paint you purchase one that is high quality, meant for floors, and (if possible) contains polyurethane. All of these will ensure that your paint will withstand the test of time as well as the everyday wear and tear that happens with floors. The polyurethane will protect it on a deeper level as well as help it last especially in more humid environments. Being sure to invest in high quality paint will keep you from a series of possible problems down the line, so as much as you’re saving in not having to refloor you’ll still want to splurge a little on high quality paints.