Best Flooring Options for a Restaurant
If you are looking to update the floors in your restaurant, the options can seem overwhelming. Many restaurant owners are looking for something that looks great and is easily maintained and durable. Here are some options that will do all that and more.
Besides the qualities mentioned above, one of the most important characteristics of a restaurant floor is that it be slip-resistant. There will be a lot of traffic coming through the restaurant, including employees and guests, so it’s important to have flooring that cuts down on the chance that someone will slip, fall, and become injured at your restaurant. Flooring options such as laminate, commercial-grade carpet, commercial-grade tiles, vinyl, and rubber will all be slip-resistant, and are available in a variety of colors and patterns to match your needs.
For durability, laminate, commercial-grade tile, and vinyl are strong contenders. They will hold up well under foot traffic and maintain their look for several years. If you are interested in the tile option, be sure that the commercial-grade is installed, and not residential tile. Commercial-grade is a bit more durable while having the slip-resistant qualities that you will need.
Most of the options listed above will be easily maintained as long as they are installed properly. The product that has the most issues with maintenance is the commercial-grade carpeting. Unfortunately, though it looks great, dampens noise, and is comfortable to walk on, it can also stain easily and isn’t as easily cleaned as some of the other options such as laminate or tile. Many restaurant owners may choose to install carpet tiles instead of an entire room of carpeting so that they may easily remove a soiled or damaged piece and replace it with new.
The key to choosing the best flooring for your restaurant is to consider your budget, design, and goals. Stay away from options such as cork or hardwood that will damaged easily and are not water-resistant, and make sure you are choosing the commercial-grade options for the most durability and slip-resistant qualities.