4 Different Molding Types for Cabinetry
Adding molding to your kitchen cabinets can be a great way to add character and detail to your space. Whether you’re revamping your existing cabinetry or embarking on a total kitchen redesign its important to know the different options and uses of cabinet molding. Here are four types of molding to consider for your next project.
Toe Kick Molding
The recessed space underneath lower cabinets that allows you to stand close to your counter tops is called a Toe Kick. This spacing is vital to making your cabinets ergonomically functional, but it creates an unsightly recess and gap between your flooring and cabinets. To solve this problem you need to invest in Toe Kick Molding. Toe Kick Molding, can be simple or decorative but it’s purpose is functional. While this type of molding isn’t as visible as others, it does take a lot of abuse so be sure to invest in quality materials, or consider the cost of replacing them every few years.
Light Rail Molding
Ambient and/or work lighting under cabinets is a well established trend and highly functional addition to any kitchen. The best way to achieve this look is by adding Light Rail Molding to the bottom of your cabinet uppers. The Light Rail molding adds a decorative finish to the bottom of your cabinetry while at the same time keeping lighting hardware out of sight. Light Rails also serve to direct and focus the light for a more refined look.
Scribe Molding
Imperfections and inconsistencies are part of every remodel, and kitchens are no different. Scribe Molding is thin rounded molding that can be placed in gaps between cabinets, walls, and ceilings to hide anomalies in your space. This inexpensive molding can be essential when remodeling an older space that may have some surfaces that are no longer square or level.
Crown Molding
The queen of molding, Crown Molding can be simple and elegant or intricate and grand. Crown molding sits atop your upper cabinets to add detail and decor. It is used to draw your eye up, and often runs right to the ceiling line. Crown Molding can be stacked or tiered to create a more majestic effect suitable for rooms with high ceilings.