Upgrading Your Bathroom One Step at a Time

Upgrading your bathroom is an exciting time in a homebuyer’s life because more often than not the bathroom is a great place to earn some sweat equity. It also gives you a chance to put your own design and stamp on the house, but there is the inevitable stressful time period one goes through before they get to the other side. Bathroom remodels can actually be one of the most money draining areas in a home to upgrade. So, before you go swinging your hammer and removing facets, let us share some wisdom with you. First, consult an expert. Of course, we don’t mean you need someone there every step of the way, but you will want to chat with someone in the construction field before you go removing your bathtub and cause a leak that could cause damage. You can go ahead and repaint, replace tile, or hang some fixtures sure but you don’t want to remove plumbing just willy silly. Bathrooms can cost you more than you expect because of what you might find under your floors or behind your shower walls so we recommend having an expert to give you the go-ahead before you continue upgrading. You also will want an expert opinion on any updated codes there may be for bathrooms. For example, to legally list a bathroom on the real estate market you have to have a ventilation system installed or have a window. Some counties require both. Silly mistakes like this can cost you. Your next step will be to put a plan in place. Knowing your design plan before you upgrade your bathroom is key and a great way to help you stay within the budget…changing paint colors can really add up. In this plan, you will want to think about ways to set your bathroom apart from the rest, especially if you are ever considering reselling it in the future. You will want to think about an upgraded cost-efficient toilet, sink faucets that add a design feature and even a shower shelf for convenience. These are things that will impress anyone who walks in your bathroom.