Florida Homes: How the Seasons Affect Your Home
Florida may be home to a milder climate and more agreeable atmosphere than most of the states in the nation, but that doesn’t mean that the changing seasons don’t affect homes in Florida just the same as they affect homes in other areas of the country!
Chancing seasons can wreak havoc on your home if you don’t pay attention. Little things like switching out the air filter and calling your pest-control repair man can make a big difference in the health and happiness of your home.
Stay on top of maintenance.
In Florida, winter seasons are mild and summers are long. The impending heat of the long summer months can affect your home if you haven’t had your air conditioning properly checked to ensure that it is circulating smoothly and efficiently. Also, be sure to replace your air filters on a regular basis, as this little stuff can help in money saving! It doesn’t require your air to run as hard. These tips should not be ignored, as they can be life-saving tips. Not having air conditioning in Florida’s heat can be very dangerous for elderly or for infants.
Florida has many perks, but living here does mean that there is a chance that bugs can get into your home, we’re sorry to say! Making sure that pest control comes out to service your home before the cool winter months start, and right before it heats back up biannually, should be enough to keep the pests at bay.
Engage in seasonal cleaning.
Seasons also affect your home because you tend to be out and about more in the summer, allowing less chance for clutter to build up. Take the opportunity to invest some time in spring cleaning during the winter months. Even if Florida doesn’t get as cold as some of its northern counterparts, we do still tend to spend more time around the house in certain times of year. Getting rid of dust bunnies or cleaning out junk drawers can help make our entire home feel more light and balanced.
Spring cleaning? Try seasonal cleaning!
Decorate seasonally.
Another way that the seasons affect the home is by allowing us to pull interior design elements from the seasons, and use them for inspiration in the home decor. During the colder months, use deeper accent colors like rich-hued towels and linens. Switch to lighter throws or rugs when the milder spring and summer months come into play. Replace your heavy linens with more lightweight materials, and you’ll be amazed at how rejuvenate at the home feels without doing more than switching a few pillow cushions and updating some seasonal trinkets. Even changing table linens out can have a nice seasonal impact on your home.