How to Choose an Economical and Stylish Flooring Option
While redecorating your home one of the biggest investments you’ll make is your flooring. Keeping your budget intact, however, has never been easier. Here are a few different ways of how to choose an economical and stylish flooring option.
First, you’ll want to consider what your budget consists of. After you’ve ironed this out you’ll be able to look into multiple kinds of flooring. Laminate flooring, for instance, is a great alternative to hardwood floors. Instead of having the cost of hardwood, you’ll get the affordability along with the sleek look of wood. Laminate flooring is typically fairly easy to install and will keep your budget open to investing more in other areas later on.
Bamboo is another great material that most wouldn’t think of. Not only is it more affordable than hardwood flooring, but it also is eco-friendly! It’s easy to clean and gives the look of hardwood which will keep your design goals, your wallet, and the environment intact for a win, win, win situation on the interior designing front.
Porcelain is also a wonderful product. While it’s typically reserved for more humid rooms, such as bathrooms, porcelain is a wear resistant material that will last for years to come. Its affordability, as well as longevity, is what draws most redecorators to it. So, if a bathroom remodel is in your future, you’ll want to keep porcelain in the back of your mind.
Carpet is probably one of the most affordable options for flooring in a home. It’s fairly easy to install and comes in such a wide variety of colors that you’ll always find one that works for you. Carpet has a few drawbacks, such as it typically requires more cleaning and could fade over time. But it also has the added benefit of being versatile and working as a filter that traps bacteria and dust that you can permanently clean out of your home for good with a good vacuum or shampoo.
Regardless of which type of flooring you choose, the most important thing is that you fall in love with your idea for the space. If you have to wait a little longer to add some seed money to your budget before beginning, that’s okay too. It’s better to wait a little while and be in love with your space than jump the gun and get moving too quickly!