What Are the Best Ways to Clean Vinyl Floors?

Vinyl floors are a popular choice for many homeowners due to their reasonable cost and durability. Another benefit of vinyl is how easy it can be cleaned, giving it longevity and meaning it requires little maintenance. That being said, it’s not indestructible and you still need to give it some TLC every now and again . Let’s take a look at some of the top tips for cleaning vinyl floors:

Prevention is Better Than Cure

If you regularly sweep your floor of any debris or dirt, you’re going to give it a longer lease of live and lower the risk of abrasions. Have floor mats in doorways so dirt doesn’t have the chance to get in, and clean up any spills as soon as possible.

Treat it Kindly

Scrapes and tears can ruin vinyl, so treat it kindly and take precautions when needed. This means if you’re moving furniture ensure to pick not drag, and if you have heavier items try placing them on plywood. You should also invest in some vinyl coasters to place on the feet of furniture to prevent permanent indentations.

Clean it Well

  • Sweep or vacuum regularly. Be sure to get into the corners and close to the baseboards as these areas pick up the most dust. Do this before mopping.
  • Mop with a vinyl floor cleaner or make you own. Making your own eco-friendly cleaner is much cheaper than buying from the supermarket, and it works just as well if not better. All you need to do is combine a gallon of warm water with a cup of apple cider vinegar and hey presto! You have a great, non-abrasive cleaner without any build up that removes all traces of dirt. Add white vinegar if you need to disinfect anywhere, and a few drops of dish soap if you have an extra dirty floor to deal with. A fresh squeeze of lemon is also a nice idea if you enjoy fresh scents.


If you have stubborn stains that don’t want to lift, use specialized vinyl floor stain removers or try a sponge eraser (just remember to test on an inconspicuous area first)